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Programme de Bourses d’Etude aux cycles de LMD au titre de l’année 2022, au profit des étudiants internationaux désireux de poursuivre leur cursus universitaire en Turquie

Türkiye Scholarships is a government-funded, competitive scholarship program, awarded to outstanding students and researchers to pursue full-time or short-term program at the top universities in Turkey. Our aim to to build a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation among countries and mutual understanding among societies. However, Türkiye Scholarship holders and alumni has become our volunteer ambassadors all over the world.

You can find more information about Türkiye Bursları below:

Website/Media & Promotion: 

Application in 5 Steps:  

Apply Now:  


Instagram: @turkiyeburslari  

Twitter: @TurkiyeBurslari 
