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appel à participation au AMLD Africa-Zindi Hackathon

Can your university win the AMLD Africa-Zindi Hackathon?

AMLD Africa is a free online conference (2-4 September 2021) that aims to democratize access to Machine Learning in Africa. It is trusted by Google and the Swiss Embassy, and will present talks and workshops from both corporates (IBM, Google, Amazon etc.) and academics (Oxford, EPFL, Stanford etc.) about the impact of AI in Africa.

To make the conference more challenging and entertaining, AMLD Africa & Zindi offers you the Machine Learning Hackathon !

The data was collected from Twitter using a python library (twint) by Ambassador Lawrence Moruye for the AFD Gender-Based Violence Dataset Collection Challenge.

The objective of this challenge is to create a machine learning algorithm that classifies tweets about GBV into one of five categories: sexual violence, emotional violence, harmful traditional practices, physical violence and economic violence.

Access to Hackathon

This competition is open to anyone. However, prizes will only be rewarded only to AMLD Africa’s participants.